Monday, June 14, 2010

Swine Flu, H1N1 CURE is AVAILABLE Guysss!!!!!

Dear Reader,
How are you doing today? I had quite a rough day..I just lost a dearest friend of mine. She passed away today to H1N1..Plus, since yesterday I had a very bad headache which its trigger my migraine to come back. The whole day I stayed on bed, resting but it just won't go as easy as that!

I tried to put the cool compress on my head + wet towel soaked in ice water. Yup, freezzzzing cool! But I tried my best to avoid any oral medication or drugs that surely will goes directly to my blood streams!
Until...., I can't bear it anymore. I just can't walk! I decided to swallow the Ponstan and also the Aerius for the flu. I really really have to be extra cautious, REMEMBER; Baby Ayden needs me later for his 'tektek' (his word for feeding) time. Breastfeeding mother should always consult their O&G Doctor about this.

this morning I my drove my car to GIMC, I went directly to Emergency and Accident (A&E) department. This is where they asked me to go for the Influenza A throat's swab check. So I registered my name..Waiting there for almost 30mins, and finally my name been called.

I went in to the Doctor's room, and he checked me..Temperature, Eyes, Throat, Ears..and some questions about myself..then there you go...!!
He came back with a cotton-bud with wooden stick but it came in a cylinder like container.. I thought he's gonna do the ''throat's swab'' from the throat!! Guess what??
He came nearer to me and put that thing into my nostril!!! Darn, that thing goes up till a certain level, then there it is a ''sample'' for lab use!
Cis...!@#$%^ punya Doktor! Tadi kata tak sakit..! Haha this is what I thought silently of course!
Alhamdullillah..after 40mins of waiting..the result turned out NEGATIVE..

So, justnow..I seek for some homeopathy preparation basically a prevention for my kids. Then I met with Dr. Zuhairni, he told me that there's a few critical H1N1 patients that came and ask for CURE. Okay guys...he says CURE not to stop the symptoms..its to totally kill the virus!
I asked him what is the best thing to do for prevention. And he suggested me with 3types of medication TO PREVENT the H1N1..
1 is for = Lung.. Strengthening the Lung function (Strong Lungs)
2 is for = Energy .. (Energy Energy)
3 is for =To clear out all the toxic (Toxic Clear)
All for RM90.00 only/120 tablets each

The H1N1 Prevention Set

And for those who seeking for a cure..Yes, they have it also..
But this is a high end (more powerful) one and will cost you around RM 800 +/- per set.

For all pregnant mothers, small kids, frequent travelers, and the risky groups..

For your info : These Homeopathy Preparations:
-- 100% Suitable FROM BIRTH onwards
-- Pregnant Woman

Trust me, Adam sometimes will chew the whole bottle on the very day we bought it! He can't resist the sweet taste of it.

I put in this information because this is very useful thing to share. I have NO beneficial profit by posting this article. I'm a human, sharing information for others need.

Whoever with Cancer can also try to seek this Homeopathy Remedy.. I spoke to Doctor the other day and he admitted that he have several Cancer's Patients..and some of them already in stage 3.

''Allah SWT berfirman:
Tidak dijadikan penyakit kecuali ada ubatnya..''
In Allah I trust, Wallahualam..